

作者:百恩维生物科技有限公司 2014-08-26T14:16 (访问量:4630)

Histological analysis of green fluorescent protein expression. Expression mediated by the adeno-associated virus type 8 vector/green fluorescent protein (AAV2/8/GFP) vector was strongly detected in the photoreceptor cells and RPE cells after subretinal injection (A and B). Retinal flat mount preparations also showed widespread GFP expression in RPE cells (C andD)。

参考文献:Adeno-associated virus type 8 vector–mediated expression of siRNA targeting vascular endothelial growth factor efficiently inhibits neovascularization in a murine choroidal neovascularization model

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联系人: 易小姐

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传 真: 0755-26717881



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